Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church
Day School

For Educators

Ongoing professional development is a priority at MAPCDS. Because our teachers’ dispositions match those habits we aim to cultivate in children, our faculty is comprised of curious, thoughtful, self-motivated, collaborative, critical thinkers who are passionate about their work. Teachers here actively participate in professional development opportunities both individually and collectively throughout the year. In addition to weekly staff meetings where we reflect on our practice, hear from specialists in the field, challenge and learn from each other, our teachers seek out educational research and professional writing, visit peer schools in New York City and attend local, national and international workshops, conferences and study tours.

We welcome educators from around the world to visit us for inspiration and professional dialogue as we value these exchanges and the opportunity to share experiences with fellow educators. We welcome student-teacher requests from area graduate schools as well and are open to visits from students in the field who are eager to learn more.

Please CONTACT US to arrange a visit.