Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church
Day School


“Because every child here feels they are protected and loved by the faculty and staff, it is easy for them to immerse themselves in the wonder of their classrooms and classmates.”

~ Day School Parent

Babies and Toddlers

MAPCDS offers playgroups for babies and toddlers, ages 4 through 24 months, with their parent or caregiver. Formal application to the school is not required to participate. The playgroups are designed to serve both children and their adults during this exciting time of development and to introduce them to life in our community. In addition to stimulating the hearts and minds of our youngest learners, the group provides a social and support network for parents and caregivers. Families enrolled in these classes are welcome and encouraged to participate in all Day School events.

Babies Playgroup

The Babies Playgroup is for children ages 4 -12 months, with their parent or caregiver. This class provides an ideal first group experience for babies as they learn to be part of a class and explore new surroundings and materials. Soft climbing structures and a variety of open-ended materials inspire children to investigate and discover alongside trusted adults and other children who become their first school friends. This format encourages babies to connect with others and to see themselves as part of a larger community which extends beyond their family. At the same time, the activities are designed to enhance physical, cognitive and social-emotional development. The class is held on Wednesdays from 11:30-12:30.

Toddlers Playgroup

The Toddler Playgroup is for walkers between the ages of 12 and 24 months as of September 1, with their parent or caregiver. This class expands on the Babies Playgroup by introducing additional materials and physical experiences to advance the cognitive and gross motor development of toddlers, as well as providing dedicated time with our Music Specialist. The class is held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30-12:30. Families are free to choose to register for one, two or three sessions per week. Enrollment is open throughout the school year for families to join us as their children become eligible.

Young 2s

This first formal entry point to the Day School, for children 2.0-2.5 years old, is designed to help children acclimate to the routines and expectations of the school environment. Separation from the parent or caregiver is handled gently and gradually, according to each child’s individual needs. The physical space of the classroom promotes children’s burgeoning independence as they move between connecting areas within the larger room, each thoughtfully arranged to promote specific skill development. Whether gathered together on the rug for a group experience, independently exploring materials, or playing alongside friends, the Young 2s are always eager to learn and to show us what they know! This class meets five days per week, from 8:45-10:45. In addition to the classroom teachers, our Music and Art Specialists also provide engaging creative experiences for the Young 2s.

Old 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s

Children ages 2.6 through 5 years old attend school five mornings per week, with an optional Extended Day. The curriculum evolves as the children demonstrate their interests and questions. MAPCDS teachers listen to children, document their activities and their thinking and in response, expertly craft emergent, project-based curriculum which is personally meaningful to each individual in the group and incorporates teaching and learning that propels the children’s understandings forward. Principles of literacy, math, science, music, art and critical thinking are seamlessly embedded in the curriculum, making learning natural and joyful.

Extended Day

Extended Day is available for Old 2s, 3, 4 and 5 year olds, Monday through Thursday, 12:45-2:45. Families are welcome to enroll in one, two, three or four afternoons per week.

The Old 2s remain with their teacher for a rest time, snack, choice time and outdoor play on the roof garden.

For 3s, 4s and 5s, Extended Day is comprised of mixed age groups in special classes designed to supplement the children’s regular school day. Each class also has a rest time, has a snack provided by the school, and enjoys outdoor play on the roof garden. Recent class offerings include Spanish, Brain Builders, Cooking, Art, Movement and Sports for the Young Child, Storytelling and Book Making, Theater, and Sewing. Participation in Extended Day encourages community building between children from different classes as well as between children and MAPCDS teachers from different age groups, strengthens children’s stamina for a longer school day and provides an opportunity for children to either try something completely new to them or to dedicate focused attention to an established interest.

June Days

June Days is an optional extension of the school year, with a special summer twist. This fun-filled program runs mornings for three weeks in June and is available exclusively for children who are enrolled at the Day School. Classic summer experiences including water play, outdoor adventures, and making ice cream and other warm weather treats supplement open-ended classroom play and creative music and art experiences. The energy of summer’s freedom is infused throughout each June Day. Families can choose to enroll for one, two or three weeks of the camp.