Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church
Day School


MAPCDS operates under the administration of the Director, and is overseen by the Session, the church’s governing body. A standing committee of the Session, the Day School Committee (DSC), serves as the liason between the Session and the school. The DSC is designed to be inclusive and representative of both the church and parent communities. This interconnectedness is purposeful and reflects the fundamental relationship of the school to the church, which is mutually beneficial. The DSC includes a Chair and Vice Chair who are members of the Session and appointed by the Pastor, one member of the Board of Trustees of the church (appointed by the President of the Board, in consultation with the Pastor), the Chairs of the Parents Committee, the Chairs of the Budget and Finance Subcommittee, and two at-large members of the congregation, at least one of whom is a current parent at the Day School, and the school Director.